Help me find the right ceiling speaker model

With so much choice on the market, it’s easy to get a bit lost in all of the jargon. You can narrow down your search for the perfect ceiling speaker by first asking yourself:

  • How would you like to listen to the ceiling speakers? 
  • Are they for ambient background listening, mid-level listening or for higher volumes, maybe for fully attentive listening or hosting parties?

Use our handy table below to find some great models to start with based on your requirements:

Help me find the right ceiling speaker model

Purpose Price Range Recommended Models
Ambient background listening (casual, day-to-day) Up to £350 per pair Monitor Audio C165, Bowers & Wilkins CCM 362, KEF Ci130.2CR,
Mid-level listening (middle volume) £350 - £400 per pair KEF Ci160QR, KEF Ci160.2CR
Higher volumes (for attentive listening and entertaining £450+ per pair Sonos In-Ceiling Speakers, JBL Studio 2 6IC, B&W CCM664

Help me find the right ceiling speaker model

8" Speaker Models

It's important to note, that most of the models mentioned above come with larger 8” options meaning they can push more air around the room and fill larger spaces with deeper bass.

Purpose Price Range Recommended Models
8" driver models offer a deeper bass response due to their larger drivers £300 + per pair.  Bowers & Wilkins CCM 382, KEF Ci200QR, JBL Studio 2 8IC

If you have extra requirements such as the speaker needing to be particularly slim or waterproof etc, please get in touch and we will recommend a more personal model for you.

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