What is Upscaling?

Though your TV might be 4K HDR or even 8K HDR enabled, not all content you watch will be recorded as such. So what is upscaling?

4K Upscaling: 

Many 2021 and onwards TVs are 4K enabled to make the best of new movies and TV shows released in this format. Despite this, there are still a lot of programmes and older films that aren't recorded in 4K.

TVs that are able to upscale, that is bring the content as close to 4K quality as possible, will make the best of your screen no matter what you're watching.

Examples of TVs capable of 4K Upscaling: 

8K Upscaling:

Though 8K technology is in its early days, it's still possible to get a TV capable of 8K upscaling. Even if watching 4K content, your 8K TV will upscale the image to bring it as close to 8K as it can. 

TVs capable of 8K Upscaling: 

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