How do I receive my loyalty discount?
Loyalty Rewards Perks
✅ Exclusive loyalty discounts on all future purchases from Smart Home Sounds
✅ Unique offers & giveaways
✅ First to hear about new releases and promotions
How to sign up?
After making a purchase with Smart Home Sounds you will be given the choice to sign up to our Loyalty Rewards membership. If you missed it, don't worry - it's simple to join!
Step 1 - If you have made a purchase from us, simply create an account on with the order number and email address used for your order.
Step 2 - Request to subscribe to our loyalty scheme by clicking here. (You will only be added once your email address is confirmed from our purchase records)
Make sure to add us to your contacts to ensure these emails don’t end up in your spam folder.
If you’re looking to make any purchases between newsletters or can’t find the product you’re looking at in our loyalty emails, don’t worry, we always try and look after our loyalty customers. Get in contact with us at via email on or the ask section on our chat section before you purchase, outlining the items you are interested in and we can create a personal loyalty price for you.